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Göttingen International Church
Message 25th March
Message 29th April
Message 29th April

Theme: Jesus returns - be ready !

Bible passage : 1. Thessalonians 4:13- 5:7

                                                                                           Jesus will come like a thief in the night. Do you know when a thief will come into your house and steal things ? It's hardly possible to know that.

In India we had a little thief coming into our house every night stealing food from the garbage bin. In India this animal is called Chachundar, in English it’s called shrew. It is bigger than an ordinary mouse looking almost like a mole. So this guy kept coming night after night. My wife was surprised to find the mess in the kitchen every morning until one night she caught him. Poor little thing ! He was so frightened. But my wife put him in a lttle cage and let him go. After that the little thirf was never seen again back in our kitchen. Only by accident we found out when this little fellow was coming to steal some food from our kitchen.

No- one knows when Jesus will come back exactly. It will be a surprise for many people ! But Christians should be aware that Jesus’ coming can take place very soon as we are already living in the end times. The Bible gives us many signs to consider which are happening in the last days.

1.Mankind at crossroads

One of the most interesting and also most clear signs of the end times is the land of Israel.

The Israelites are God’s chosen people. The existence of these people shows clearly that God is still on the world scene. The Jews became a  people again in their own country after they had been scattered all over the world for over 1800 years. No other peoples in the world history have ever survived for more than 500 years without a land, but Israel did. In 1948  Israel became the home for the Jews again. By their return to their home country Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled that God after he had scattered them will gather his people again in their own country. What a miracle !

Even today the whole of world news centers around Israel and its struggles against her Arab neighbours. Since 1948 Israel has had three major wars with the Muslim nations around them which they won. In 1967 even Jerusalem was re-taken. Another hint to the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy.

A second sign pointing to the imminent return of Jesus to this earth are the many catastrophes happening in our days.

There is an increase in world wide catastrophes in the last 50 years.

From 1950- 1985 in a time span of 35 years there were 15 major catastrophes.

From 1990- 2006 in a time of only 16 years thre was the same amount of major catastrophes.

Here are some examples:

In 2003 a major heat wave in countries like Spain, Italy and France left 50.000 people dead.

The same year an earthquake in  Iran left 26000 people dead.

The 2004/05 Tsunami effected 12 Asian and African nations in which approximately 280.000 people died.

Another major earthquake too place in 2005 in Pakistan which left about 80.000 people dead.

A third sign hinting that Jesus’ return may take place in this generation is the fact that the love of many is growing cold according to 2.Timothy 3:17.

There is an increasing indifference to the suffering of people. In fact we have mostly become observers of the world’s misery  watching it on our TV screens. Selfishness and my own interests are more important than to take action against the misery of other people.

There is also an alarming rate of family break-downs in our western society.

The church in general increasingly turns secular and becomes apostate. The rich church of Laodizea mentioned in the book of Revelation was just indifferent to the needs of the people around them. Laodizea represents in general our present Western church which is  bugged by indifference and inefficiency and a lack of practical love.

Neil Anderson one famous American pastor and counsellor who writes daily devotionals for Christians wrote in one of his devotionals:

Sadly, one of the common pictures of the church today is of a group of people with an assumed faith but little action. We're thankful that our sins are forgiven and that Jesus is preparing a place in heaven for us, but we're basically cowering in fear and defeat in the world, just hanging on until the rapture.  Every believer is on active duty, called to take part in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19, 20). Thankfully the church has an infirmary where we can minister to the weak and wounded, and that ministry is necessary. But our real purpose is to be change agents in the world, taking a stand, living by faith, and accomplishing something for God. You can say you believe God and His Word. But if you are not actively involved in His plan, are you really a mature believer?

Mankind at crossroads !

One can easily go astray if he doesn’t know the right way ! God’s Word shows us clearly the way ! The way is to be committed and devoted to God in a personal relationship through Jesus Christ !

Let’s just ask ourselves a few questions :

Do we believe in God in this way or not ?

Is our commitment to God a full commitment or just

half-hearted ?

Is our faith centred on God only or on God plus something else ?

Is my fulfilment more important to me than God’s    kingdom ?

Jesus Christ, the giver of life, who died for my sin and who offers me a new life, is he not worthwhile that I give my whole life to him and serve him wholeheartedly ?

2. Jesus is coming back soon- be ready !

There are some facts we should take into account thinking about Jesus’ second coming:

Jesus’ 2nd coming is mentioned also in Islam and it is the great hope of the Jews that the Messiah will come to deliver his people Israel.

There are many references to the 2nd coming in the OT. In the NT it is mentioned over 250 times.

Before Jesus’ visible return there will be a secret return called rapture for the believers where Jesus will gather his people; this will happen before the day of the Lord when God’s wrath will fall on mankind called the tribulation period and only after that then Jesus will visibly return.

During the rapture the believing Christians will be lifted up to heaven and be with the Lord as also those who have died in Christ but unbelievers and nominal Christians will be left behind.

When this  will happen is not known; Jesus will come like a thief in the night but we are to observe the signs which will proceed his return.

The rapture of the believers and Jesus’ return is sure and imminent.

Jesus is coming back to bring about justice to the earth and divide believers from unbelievers.

The wrath of God will finally be poured on wicked mankind, but Christians will be safe from God’s wrath.

As it is written in 1. Thess. 1:10 + 1.Thess. 5: 9 .

There will be a tribulation period at the end of times maybe right after the rapture of believers as Jesus has said in Luke 21: 25-28.

So how are we to react in the wake of these events that are going to take place in the near future as we might be the first generation who is really in reach of the Lord’s    coming ?

Practically speaking we should not be surprised but prepared as the parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25 teaches. We are to be ready but how ?

We should be alert and self-controlled, living in faith. We should live by the Spirit and be working in God’s kingdom. We are not to give in into wrong beliefs or practices. We should be found praying and serving God, grounded in love, being compassionate and forgiving

Some Scripture verses call us to  strive for these qualities in our lives:

  1. in Matthew 18:35 forgiveness
  2. in Luke 18:8 prayer and faith
  3. in Matthew: 31-36 being compassionate
  4. in John 15:12 being grounded in love

In John 15:12 we read again what the greatest commandment is. It is to  “love God and love your neighbour”. This will be the measure which we will be measured onto when Jesus comes back.

Let us examine ourselves before God even today.

Thinking about Jesus return should encourage us to grow in love and service for God, live by faith and not to conform to the pattern of this world as written in Romans 12: 2.

Our conclusion today lies in the important message the Bible tell us concerning Jesus' return. And the message today is : Be ready !  For you do not know the time or hour when Jesus is coming back !

This message should not invoke fear because we don’t have to be afraid of Jesus if we are committed to him and live with him.

But this message should encourage us to be responsible and loving and caring in this world, to be a witness and a light as Christians.

And one more important thing: we should never give up hope !

There is  a story of a Russian couple who got separated in the 2nd world war. She went to Germany but he disappeared in a Russian work camp in Siberia. One day no more letters came and she thought that he is dead. She waited many years and did not give up the hope that he was to return but finally she gave in to the relatives wishes and married a second time, She needed to survive somehow, about 30 years later her husband died. Then one day about 10 years after her 2nd husband had died she heard news again about her first husband. He seemed to be alive still. In fact he had arrived in Germany just a few days ago. The day came when he was to visit his wife. He arrived at her doorstep and she just couldn’t believe it ! She was so happy and filled with joy but she had to confess to him that she had married because she had thought that he might have died. He then only asked her one question: “did you ever give up hope seeing me again ? “ She said: “Never, I always hoped for you to come back one day even though it was hard to believe. But hope kept me alive all these years and the feeling that all things might come to a happy end at last.”

God’s story with us has got a happy ending if we trust in him, he will not leave us alone and he will take us to be with him But we must patiently wait for our Lord to return and use the time that remains in his service.

Let us patiently wait for Jesus’ return. He will come and take us home

In John 14: 1-3 it is written that Jesus has prepared a place for us and that he is coming back to take us to be with him - what a wonderful promise !      Amen

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